Get Ready For Spring With Me!

Spring, a time of year that all gardeners love and hate at the same time. A time of year where we need to be in the zone, yet still enjoying everyday life. So, let us get ready for spring together and enjoy this moment as one!

I personally like t begin my spring preparation with my garden planning. As I like to mix my garden up every year, trying new crops and new plants, I need to take careful planning. Working out what plants I want to put where to have a maximum effect. This takes up time, drawing a plan for my garden and figuring out where plants and crops will work best.

Once this plan is all sorted, I head out to the garden! Carefully preparing all of the lands where my crops and plants will be planted. Ensuring it is all raked thoroughly, given lovely fertiliser. Ensuring it is the best quality compost, from my own compost bin to give my plants the best chance this year!

Again, I head back to planning. Now I know my compost is sorted and ready to be planted in. Once all my seeds arrive planning begins again. I like to know when I should plant crops to make the most use out of them. For example, I will plant carrots 1 week apart so I have a steady flow of carrots coming in at harvest time. I also like to plant my flowers so they all bloom around the same time, allowing my garden to be bright and beautiful.

To get ready for spring with me takes a lot of planning. We all need to plan to make the most out of our gardens. Understanding when to move plants from the greenhouse to outside. As well as when they will all be ready for harvesting.