Looking After a Spider Plant

We all remember having spider plants as children, don’t we? Those funny little plants, that will grow baby spider plants when they are happy. Many of us used to keep them on top of bookcases or shelves, as the leaves would grow down and create a lovely green image.

Many people are starting to grow spider plants again, largely because they are so very easy to grow and won’t require a lot of care of attention. All they will need is some daylight, and they won’t even need too much of that, as you should keep them in good but indirect sunlight. You will need to water them every so often, but don’t over-water them.

Spider plants can be prone to tip burns, which is where the ends of the leaves turn brown and dry. If this happens, it is best to remove the tips. Make sure the soil isn’t too dry, as this can often be a cause of tip burn.