Flowers for a Wildflower Bouquet

Wildflower bouquets are some of the most fashionable types of bouquet at the present moment. They can be made up of many different types of flowers that will go with the wildflower theme. People are choosing them to send as gifts, as well as to have for their weddings. They might even wear them in their hair as well as an extra touch.

These are some of the most popular types of flower to have in a wildflower bouquet:

  • Lavender. This is a delicate and pretty choice that will also smell beautiful.
  • Roses. Choose light, pastel coloured roses for a pretty touch.
  • Daisies. These will add a real touch of nature to your bouquet.
  • Poppies. Choose different colours for different looks and bouquets.
  • Sunflowers. Add an impressive touch to a bouquet with a sunflower.

Don’t overcrowd your bouquet – a bohemian themed bouquet should be light, relaxed and pretty. A heavy bouquet will detract from your theme.