How to Tell if Bulbs are Ok to Plant

Growing your own flowers is rewarding and fun – you can enjoy them in your garden, or have cut flowers in your home all year round. When you grow plants from bulbs, you can see them through the entirety of their life cycle and ensure they grow in the way you want them to, giving them everything they need to thrive.

Planting healthy bulbs gives your plants and flowers the best possible start in life. Here are some tips for checking your bulbs are ok to plant:

  • Check the texture of the bulbs. They should be firm everywhere – any soft or mushy spots are an indication that the bulbs are rotting.
  • Smell them. There shouldn’t be any obvious smell, and if anything, they should just smell a little bit earthy.
  • Buy them from a reputable bulb supplier. Buy from a garden centre or retailer who specialises in bulbs sourced from good nurseries.