Putting Together the Perfect Bouquet


A bouquet of flowers can say so many things. It can be a beautiful gift to thank somebody, it can be a way of wishing a loved one a happy birthday, and it can also be a way to show you are thinking of somebody at a difficult or sad time in their life. Here are some tips for creating the perfect bouquet in different situations:

  • Know which flowers are traditional. For example, roses are often given on Valentine’s day and lilies are usually associated with funerals.
  • Think about the colours that work together. Don’t try to choose too many or the bouquet will look too busy. Work with colours that complement each other.
  • Try to find out a person’s favourite flower. If you can’t do this subtly, think about the colour schemes that they like. If they like bright colours maybe opt for something like a bouquet of tulips. For pastels, try carnations and freesias.